Saturday 26 January 2013

Insert witty or meaningful title here.


So exams just finished this past Friday and it feels good to know that I don't have write exams for another few months and I'm somewhat free. To be honest, for a couple exams I did some of the most intense cramming I have ever done because I finished "studying" minutes before the exam. Just enough time to catch my breath, say a little prayer, and continue on working my brain. Overall, they did not go as well as my first set of exams this year but that is expected since there were more exams this module and more material. I do enjoy my time here at CMCC and as I learn more the more I get excited to someday work as a Chiropractor and help people. People will come see me, I will ask them questions, perform some physical tests, and voila: I know what is wrong and what to do to help! If you have ever seen the BBC show "Sherlock", I hope to be as good as Sherlock Holmes in reading people and assessing people in my clinic.
(Side note: I'm writing this entry at my buddy DL's place in Waterloo and his keyboard is so sweet to type on. Way better than my Dell Inspiron keyboard! Ya I have an Inspiron!)

Also this week, I went to the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) with my friend SD last night. It was cool to go there again after so many years. My favorite part was the Canada section of the museum. Some may find it lame but I loved the old furniture made out of Maple. Such quality work!

Also, I'm going to get into tea. It's good for you and I think it would be nice to have in the morning. My plan is to wake up early enough to have a tea and muffin while I do my devotions and then get ready for school. The hard part is getting up because my bed is soooo comfy! Anyway, about the tea, if you have any suggestions let me know in the comment section!

QUOTE of the POST:
With exams, I failed to select a new verse so I kept James 1:4 on my whiteboard. I did however hear a lovely quote this past week. I hope to someday have that feeling again :)

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
- Dr. Seuss

SONG of the WEEK:
This song by Adele, I can relate to. With SM in mind, I wanted to marry that girl so I believed, and still do believe, that I would want someone like her. She is happy with someone else and later on down the road of life we may meet again and be friends or whatever. For now, all I can do is pray for her as I wish her nothing but the best in life, even if it is not with me. I personally enjoy this cover of the song.

Thanks for stopping by to read. Please comment and give me feedback and suggestions on what I should write about!
All the best and God bless!

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